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I really like these bundles because they’re very soft manageable and they do not shed as much as other bundles I have bought on Amazon. The color was perfect and it’s still soft after four weeks. And they’re very easy to curl I like a lot thank you.
Love love love. It came next day. There a smell to the hair when it arrives. Just wash it however is best for you. I did a co-wash with a little ACV. It kept its curl after air dry. The closure is nice. A little ashy, but makeup and manipulating will fix that. My home girl/stylist did pluck the part some. For the first couple of weeks I wore it "natural" (with very little product) it was GORGEOUS. If you love volume.. you will love this hair in its natural state. Hair is soft. Minimal shedding AT FIRST. I wore for about 6 weeks and then the shedding began. The last picture is week 6 of wear. The curl pattern does change later down the road. I was ok with that because I know how to work with what I got lol. I do feel like I got my money's worth and this is one of the best hair purchases I've made on Amazon. I actually just purchased for the 2nd time and had installed today. Sis.. get the hair!!
I live the hair , I received it , it had little to no smell, the hair didn’t shed . The hair is easy to dye !!! And the hair holds curls well . ❤️ I will be purchasing again , this company did not let me down !!!